Originally Posted by Tim C
Rich, what I was trying to elude to with the "old hide" reference was really about the concept of changing an "out" to a "safe".
Hobson is an old hide. Trust me his argument was not about whether the batter runner was safe or out. His argument (and subsequent ejection) was probably based on what he felt was an incompetent job of umpiring by U1.
Again, this appears to be a Cape Cod League game and Hobson is the only person in view that had MLB expereince and was "older". I am sure Hobson has never been a fan of the "new and improved" system of doing everything to "get the call right."
Just this year I have been convinced to teach that even a call of "out" can be reversed if the calling umpire goes for help.
Again, I may be reading this wrong but coaches seledom worry if a runner was actually safe (or out).
It's bad umpiring. But I will never understand a coach wanting to go to these lengths on a play he knows the umpires got right. And a coach doing this is simply going to get ejected a lot quicker at the levels I work.