Thu Jun 19, 2008, 03:40am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 387
Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve
First, how did this guy come up with "rabbit" for 2nd base umpire in a 4 man crew? All three base umpires have to do some running on every play just about.
Second, the guy was old, and had bad knees, but what about him makes him a "smitty?" Not the fact that he's old. Or has physical ailments. I know plenty o' fantastic umpires that are old guys. Neat as a pin, knowledgable of the rules, hustle, great judgment, etc. Just because he's old, or has a bad back, or bad knees doesn't make him a Smitty, which is what we're talking about here. Smitties come in all ages, shapes, sizes, genders and races.
Putting up with "old guards" sounds like ageism to me, which is not cool at all. 
"Rabbit" is a long standing term for U2 in a 4 umpire crew as he goes out on far more plays than U1 & U3 combined.
IMO in regard to the OP - this umpire is being a Smittie by barging into the rotation and forcing someone to change for his convenience.