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Old Sat Jul 27, 2002, 11:36am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Re: Fair enough . . .

Originally posted by Gold_Spark
So . . . do we just not let the next batter come out of the dugout until it is his time to bat?
Many local youth leagues allow the practice of BOTH TEAMS using the on-deck area that it "behind" the batter (that is, by the 3rd-base dugout for RH hitters and by the 1st-base dugout for LH hitters).

Ignore it until the coaches complain, or seek direction from league officials.

Since it's a safety rule, don't allow the first batter of the inning to cross-over (there's no safety issue with standing by your dugout with no one at bat).

Keep the teams on the correct sides at HS and above (and anywhere else there is sufficient room).
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