Originally Posted by Bob M.
... if he journeys into the ENZ without engaging a defender, then he is illegally downfield. But that really is the intention.
Originally Posted by ajmc
You might reason the objective of this rule to simply mean...
The object of 7.5.12 is ...
This started out as a "devil's advocate" kind of post, and then I noted the part, "at the snap, he immediately contacts a B lineman." Is that to say if a B back performed a delayed blitz and was blocked by ineligible A who drove him into the the ENZ, this would be a foul? (It was not at the snap, nor immediate, nor against a B lineman.)
This is ½ serious and ½ tongue-in-cheek. I'm wanting to make sure I understand the rule inside and out for the test. I think I know what I would call on the field. (Stickly by the book, of course.
