You're fooling yourself. Where have you been, on Mars? Don't you read the papers and sports magazines? Sports officials are constantly being sued for what happens on the field. A few years ago, an umpire was sued by the catcher in a men's softball game because the ump wouldn't give him his mask on a play at the plate. The ump lost, mainly because a scab MLB ump told the court he must give up the mask if asked. And that's the ump's personal equipment.
Officials in ALL sports are being sued. Do you think we're exempt for some miraculous reason? Get real.
There's no problem with working a game for free. The insurance carrier may not cover you if it's a non-sanctioned or scheduled game. Such as umping a game that was forfeited because of a lack of players.
"Stop. If a kid gets hurt by an area that you made fair instead of dead, will I get sued?"
Why would YOU get sued for my goof? And, I've got more sense than to make DBT fair, or even playable. Maybe you don't. Anyone who does that is stupid, and deserves to be sued if someone is injured.
Join the real world. This is a litigous society we live in. You may get sued for something you had no control over. I hope you have enough money to hire lawyers, because with your attitude, your insurance carrier will drop you like a hot coal.
[Edited by bluezebra on Jul 27th, 2002 at 01:09 AM]