Originally Posted by mick
If you were BU and your partner did that [pointed the ball fair and screw the catcher], would you put batter/runner on 1B?
I think I would have to.
Back many years ago, when I was much more stupid, I was the BU in a 14U game, with runners on first and second. I was in 'C'. Ground ball to short. When the shortstop committed to throwing to first (OK, maybe a little sooner than that), I move hard toward first, trying to get closer to the play. Naturally, as I am moving toward first, the runner from 2B is moving as well. BIG COLLISION! Well, not so big, since she was only 14. She's on the ground. Shortstop, who hadn't thrown the ball yet, sees the runner on the ground, and tags her out. Coach wants me to put her on third. Sorry, coach. I'm an idiot and she's still out.
Sometimes you learn a lesson the hard way.