Thread: Bases Awarded??
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Old Tue Jun 17, 2008, 09:51am
UmpJM UmpJM is offline
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The rule is properly applied as Bob and Rich suggest.

The problem is the tortured syntax of the A.R. which defines the rule.

The clause "when the ball is dead" applies to

"...if the runner has advanced to and touched a base beyond the missed base."

just as much as it does

" runner may return to touch a missed base or the one just left ...".

Try putting that clause at the end of the AR instead of the beginning.

The 2nd case play Bob J. quoted from the PBUC unequivocally demonstrates that this is the correct interpretation. We also have the following from the MLBUM which, again, demonstrates that what the runner does BEFORE the ball goes out of play doesn't matter. What he does AFTER the ball goes out of play (i.e. "When the ball is dead...") DOES:

(5) Runners on first and second, one out. Batter hits deep fly ball that is caught by right fielder. The runner from second was running when the ball was hit, did not tag up, and proceeds to touch and round third base. After the runner from second has rounded third base, the right fielder throws behind the runner from first, who is returning to first base. The fielder's throw is wild and goes out of play. The umpires call "Time" and award the runners home and third. When the umpires call "Time" the runner from second is between third and home, and the runner from first is between first and second. At this point the manager yells to the runner from second (who is between third and home) to go back and tag up at second base. Is this permissible, or is the runner considered a "base beyond" the base he left too soon?

Ruling: It is permissible for the runner to return to second base while the ball is dead. When the ball went out of play the runner originally on second base was past third (between third and home). The runner's "next base" is therefore home. While the ball is dead he may return to second base and retouch at any time prior to touching home plate. However, if the runner advances to and touches home while the ball is dead, he may not return.
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