Thread: Bases Awarded??
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Old Tue Jun 17, 2008, 08:39am
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Originally Posted by LakeErieUmp
I agree with dash. I also don't believe we need to have the runner go through the exercise of returning to first, touching it, then going to third on the out of play award. Basically, I don't think "touching up" is that big a deal in this situation.
First of all, this only applies in FED ball, so I'll restrict my comments to that. It's still an appeal. I award bases. Runner returns, touches first, goes to third. The ball is dead. Someone still has to appeal this.

Here is my reasoning: many of you are saying R1 is subject to appeal for leaving too soon and, since the ball went out of play before returned he did not arrive at 2B legally. And, since he he can't return to 1B he's going to be out no matter what he does.
But here's the problem - if that were the case, R1, fly ball to RF down the line. R1 takes off thinking it'll drop.F9 makes a flying circus catch, lands, and sees he'll never get a throw off th F3 to double off the runner. So he tosses the ball into the stands. SAME situation. Dead ball. R1 has not returned. Are you going to ring R1 up because F9 threw the ball out of play?
Forget the retouch on a dead ball. Don't waste the time. Award 3B and play ball.
There is a specific rule that deals with F9 throwing it away on purpose. I mentioned that in a previous post. The runner is THEN (in FED only, since that's the only place this applies) allowed to retouch and advance. And this retouch business is important since all awarded bases have to be touched in order in accordance with the rules of baserunning. And a rule of baserunning is that all runners must retouch their time of pitch base after a ball is caught or be subject to appeal.
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