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Old Mon Jun 16, 2008, 05:10pm
TheOracle TheOracle is offline
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Originally Posted by rockyroad
That is garbage. It's not the "times we live in" - it's the climate we have allowed to develop where little Johnny is a superstar because he's taller than all the other kids and can shoot/throw/pass/kick a stupid ball better than others. It's crap...
I agree with you 100%. 8th graders committing is pretty foolish. But do you thikn it was the same 30 years ago? Kids didn't sign that early, but athletes have always gotten away with things to stay eligible and in school...With the internet, it is just harder to hide the blatancy now.

Bad as it sounds, as long as an 8th grader stays eligible in HS and then at college, he's following the rules and meeting expectations. I think the high schools and colleges should be raising their standards and not allowing athletes to skirt requirements. But that'll never happen.
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