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Old Mon Jun 16, 2008, 04:34pm
bigsig bigsig is offline
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Posts: 186
Respect for the Anthem

I attended the Long Island HS championships last week and have a question for my fellow umps. This was held at a typical softball complex. 4 fields facing N, S, E, and W with concessions in the middle. One game started on time and the others were about to start when the National Anthem was played over the loud speaker system.

All of the fans, as well as the teams whose games had not started stood in silence with hats off during the Anthem.

Except the game that was in progress. There was no attempt by either the 3 umps nor the coaches or players to stop and show respect for our national Anthem.

My question: When this happens to you, do you stop play and remove your hat until the Anthem has ended?
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