Originally Posted by rockyroad
Uhmmmm, did you read the article? You make some really nice points, but none of them fit this situation or what the father had to say in the article.
I did not read anything in the article that dismisses what I said. It did say he had a grandmother that lived in Indianapolis. And if you know anything about Indiana, there are people that have affection or interest in Kentucky basketball. Then again in this age of 300 games on TV in a month and satellite TV, I am sure kids today have affections for school and they have no direct ties to those schools by family members or where they live.
There were two kids recently that committed to Illinois as freshman. I am sure the only reason those decisions were made was because they lived in the State and got to watch Illini in the Final Four recently, with a lot of former IHSA players on the squad. Their decision was certainly controversial to many in this state, but if that is where they want to go, that is where they want to go.