Originally Posted by ozzy6900
CD, here in the US, a Smitty will wear his hat backwards at the plate, wear his shin guards on the outside of his pants, and have a ball bag full of seeds. On the bases, he will brush off the pitcher's plate, brush off the bases, and flash the count back to the PU. As Tuss stated, it is not the bad umpire that is the Smitty. And Smitty has no references to coaches, it is strictly pointed to umpires.
I would differentiate between 1) a Smitty: One who thinks he knows all, but doesn't; One who tells all how to do it, but can't; One who thinks he's the great gift to officiating, but isn't; Is oblivious to his foolishness.
And 2) umpires, as Ozzy describes, who are just clueless. An official can plain ol' stink and be lousy, but it's when he starts spouting off, the Smitty label is attached.
I'll add:
-Upon meeting you for the first time, he recites his resume and "experience." Take a deep breath and enjoy the day's ride through Hell.
-States he has a HUGE zone, only to be size of a tea cup.
My first game ever w/partner: 11-y.o. game. Partner gets out of his car, straps on his shin guards outside the pants. I walk over to say I'm here and already dressed for the plate. He then takes off his guards and proceeds to put them back on,
under his pants.