Originally Posted by truerookie
Thanks! (with the luck part)  . Look, it makes a hill of beans to me what someone may or may not want to do. I can only speak for myself. When I step on the court I will give all parties involved my best. What is wrong with officials giving the kids; site admin; assignor (except JR  ) their best without regards if its summer or regular season(play calling/mechanics)?
You are confusing "giving your best" to what is reality. Giving your best has little to do with what mechanics we choose to use or not use. If anything the kids and coaches want to play, rather than us sitting around to make movements. And when rules take out many parts of normal game activity, I am sure the players and coaches care even less what we do as long as we keep the game moving.
Originally Posted by truerookie
This is one of many reasons why newbies are having a hard time grasping the concept because of this mindset. Summer ball is not as important. Which I say BS!! Most new officials start out in the summer.
This last statement is not true (at least in my experience). There are a lot of officials where I live that start working when the real season starts. Summer games are often given to people who are already on the lists of associations and that means they were members and licensed officials. Now that can vary from one place to another, but I cannot think of any time I worked a HS league, AAU Tournament or any off season league with a brand, spanking new official. Most of the time those officiating summer leagues in my area are veteran officials with vast experience. I know when I started I worked regular season HS and JH games first. Summer Leagues was not something I had access to because I was not yet a licensed official.