ScottParks, I always have camp brochures for the camp as well. So next summer I will post something again to remind all who is interested.........
Just a follow up to the earlier disccussion:
The clap/applause thing done at the Daytona camp is a tradition that was started and if an individual understood that, one would be enlightened that is has nothing to do with a "controlling" nature but just something that the specific camp does that is different.
It still amazes me when a person is wrong they don't want to own up to it and apologize but instead defend their remarks for what they did based on one experience and other people's hearsay information. I would just say, "you know what I goofed up I apologize I could have handled the situation differently." Oh well. Enough said.
Not all of us can be objective, look in the mirror, and be honest when one makes a mistake or, when watching tape screws up a rule, a situation, or misses a play. This is no different than the earlier critical comments made in this thread.