Thread: Spectators
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Old Wed Jun 11, 2008, 12:05pm
archangel archangel is offline
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Originally Posted by RKBUmp
Working game alone the other night for local youth softball league. We have your standard cheering from the benches, and on occasion I have had to tell teams that it has gone to far or that the cheer is innappropriate. Had a coach yelling swing one night, got that stopped, then had his catcher start, nipped that in the bud, but how do you handle spectators doing it?

In the game I was working, 3-2 count, pitch was well outside and heard someone yell swing from my right side, but wasnt from bench area. Looked around, but couldnt tell who did it. Couple of batters later, 0-2 count on batter, I hear someone yell swing, this time further back behind me. Turned and looked, still not obviouse who is doing it. Next inning it happens again, but directly behind me. This time I walked to screen and said that would be enough yelling swing. I dont like to get into it with the parents/spectators, but at what point do you draw the line for what is acceptable/unacceptable for the players/coaches vs the spectators?
Ignore the crowd unless profanity involved, remember the Ferris Bueller line?- Saaahwiinng, Baatter, bbaatter"- thats part of the game...any other fan issues, you shouldnt talk to fans, have LD, game mngmnt, or home coach deal with it-- if necessary, put both teams in the dugouts until problem is solved--parents want to watch their kids play, not sit--
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