Don't get me wrong guys...
I'm not looking for trouble. As most of us know, it finds us wherever we are. I also did not wish to imply that I am some kind of expert but there is a level of experience I have reached in field maintenance having built, from scratch, and re-built pitching mounds on several fields. But, if you guys could see some of these mounds.... nobody complains about them so I don't really care. If they did complain, I would do what you suggest... tell them to complain to the KHSAA(appropriate local rules body) since it is high school ball I am speaking of.
I also coach HS football and as related in that post, I see the referees walk the field off as a part of their pre-game activities and wondered why we never do it in baseball.
Jim's article made me think about that question again, so I asked.
"We are the stewards of baseball. Our "customers" aren't schools, or coaches, or conferences. Our customer is the game itself." Warren Wilson, quoted by Carl Childress, article, June 3, 2008.