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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jun 10, 2008, 04:42pm
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by PSidbury
However, my intent in these posts was always about focusing on the legality of the defender dropping to his hands and knees.

So, I started a new thread to focus on what really was my question, (taking the backing-down out of the equation), and less on all this peanut gallery "Why did you allow the milk to be spilled?" rhetoric.


Hey Paul, I understand your frustration BUT you've been on the board for over half a year now. That being said, you should know how it goes 'round here... especially during the off-season when things are slower. With the great knowledge that one can obtain here also comes inside jokes, smart a$$ comments, topic switching, etc. I had trouble recognizing that fact when I first joined, but dealing with the guys/gals here helps one develop the thick-skinned quality that all great officials need.
Basically, nobody is forcing you to post on this "open to the public" forum, if you want direct answers w/out the hoopla... I suggest that you find a mentor!
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