Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
Just kinda wondering....because I haven't seen any response from you yet to the answers that you received in the other thread.
This was my first reply within that thread...
Originally Posted by PSidbury
Regardless... I agree, it is unsportsmanlike and not a basketball move... and the forceful displacement should have been cleaned-up early on.
Always learning...
I will say it again:
"it is unsportsmanlike and not a basketball move... and the forceful displacement should have been cleaned-up early on."
And even one more time, for those in the back:
"it is unsportsmanlike and not a basketball move... and the forceful displacement should have been cleaned-up early on."
However, my intent in these posts was always about focusing on the legality of the defender dropping to his hands and knees.
So, I started a new thread to focus on what really was my question, (taking the backing-down out of the equation), and less on all this peanut gallery "Why did you allow the milk to be spilled?" rhetoric.