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Old Tue Jun 10, 2008, 11:47am
Chess Ref Chess Ref is offline
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Originally Posted by SRW
Why bother at this point? Tell him "thank you", and leave. He's already peeved at you, why make it worse? Now you also have to write a funky report about how you ejected a player during the post-game handshake, and you have to now worry about him spitting on you, or worse.
I didn't make it worse. He did. The longer I do this the more of a believer I am not people's personal verbal punching bag. He acted the fool I rewarded him for his behavior and he took it a step further.

There were about 40-50 people who heard and saw his actions. They, other SP players, were upset by his behavior. Even heard one comment " if that doesn't get you ejected nothing will."

Writing a report took about as much time as this latest post of mine. I don't mind it at all. I .usually, volunteer to do it in my other sports because partners would rather be abused then fill out an email that takes less then 5 minutes to write.

I believe my actions were a no brainer and I wouldn't change my actions one bit.
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