Originally Posted by Nevadaref
BS. You just don't deal with it because you don't want to. That's the easy path which Rut also travels. A sad way to go through life.
What's really sad is someone who makes these bitter nasty comments about people simply because he disagrees with them. I would say you're the Barney Fife of officiating but at least old Barney was likeable. You're like the evil Barney Fife of officiating.
Anyway, instead of walking through the handshake line what I usually do in these situations is to walk around the bench to the table area or if that's not possible I'll wait at midcourt for the teams to end the handshake line before going to my seat. Someone else mentioned these kids may have been friends just goofing around, that's true often enough and you really don't want to make yourself look like the evil Barney here. If it seemed like they were serious I would do what you did but I would not throw Ts. Just break it up & move on to the next game.