Originally Posted by NDblue
2004 was when I attended a national umpire school. I've worked our state tournaments since my first year umpiring and have done so ever since. I work local tournaments as much as I can and even if I'm not umpiring, I'm helping out in one way or another.
If my last post seemed like I was complaining, I apologize.
I was not referring to you, but your fellow local umpire. A lot of times, and I'm not saying this is your case, it is not a UIC's fault since Commissioners could control this. I doubt this is the case in ND, but you just never know what is going on in the background. Quite often, it might only be a matter of the umpire making his/her desires known.
Years ago in my area, the UIC told each umpire who was interested in advancing to submit a resume. Unfortunately, our ranks have become so small, I see just about all the umpires interested in working championship play. But still, there is no consideration if they do not attend a NUS and support championship play. Those who I believe are good enough to take the next step are encouraged to attend the next available.
Unfortunately, I can only point them in the right direction.