Originally Posted by NDblue
I'm still waiting for my first assignment to a national tournament. There's one local umpire that actually threatens to quit umpiring if he doesn't get a national tournament invitation in the next year or so. A little selfish if you ask me. I'll just keep hustling and doing the best job I can and wait my turn. I know I'm a capable umpire since I'm assigned duties at every level of local ball but for the last 2 years, I'm doing more and more upper level B, C and D games. Maybe I'm being groomed?
There was a story of which this remindes me. Umpire with a similar complaint was asked him when he attended a National School. The answer was, "huh? What's that got to do with anything". Then he was asked how often he worked state tournaments and supported the ASA program. The answer was "I'm too busy on the weekends to do that". Then there was the regionals to which he was sent and failed to make the pretournament clinics. Yet, this umpire still couldn't understand why he was not sent away to a national tournament.