Originally posted by kbaerslt
Had a batter draw a line with his foot on the outside part of the plate after i called a pitch a strike. i said to the catcher set up on the outside. The batter looked back and heard this. the next 2 pitches were 2 or 3 inches off the plate. The batter swung at both. When he cam up 2 innings later in the 7th the catcher did the same thing. The pitcher through 2 pitches inside for balls. The coach comes out to talk to the pitcher. I did not let the conference last long. I got to the mond asked if everything was alright. They said yes. I looked at the pitcher and said throw the ball on the outside half and i will call it. He got a big grean on his face. I went back to work the next 3 pitches were knee high outside half if not a little off and the batter swung at all three.
Just wonder did i handle this situation in the right manner. If not what are some other ideas?
What you are talking about comes under the category of Sending a Message. However, that message is sent 1 and only 1 time, not numerous and it is done only at the plate and early in the game not in the late innings with game on line.
When he comes up again, you should start from scratch. You already sent the message in the previous at bat. If he doesn't get the message by now then it's time to toss should he draw a line again. You can't continue to jeopardize the zone on this one batter. You sent the message. Either he gets it or doesn't.
So IMO you handled this situation incorrectly. I have no problem with what you did concerning the first at bat - but that's it as far as sending messages goes.
Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth