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Old Sun Jun 08, 2008, 10:01am
charliej47 charliej47 is offline
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Getting back to the OP about sunglasses and their use, I wear regular glasses with snap-on sunglasses. I am light sensitive to bright sun light and my doctor told me to wear sunglasses on bright days. When I am wearing them I can not get them off without removing my glasses and making a production out of it. >
I do remove my HSM when I am talking to a coach.
At one of the clinics I attended I was instructed (taught), to always ask the coach to come to you and then start walking toward the coach so that you meet. At the meeting, ALWAYS try to turn so that the two of you are facing the field and to let the coach have his say. At that point you make your statement and then conclude the conference. If the coach start charging you and you have not asked for him to meet you, then you have different protocols to follow.

I have been “dinged” for wearing glasses/sunglasses, for wearing full gear at softball games, for calling ALL rule infractions and a lot more by partners, assignors and evaluators. It always comes down to the personal preferences of the person making the comments. I was “dinged” ten years ago when I started wearing the HSM and did not get high level games for 3 or 4 years.

I hustle; I have a neat clean uniform and present a professional appearance and do the best I can.
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