Like all the rest of us, I've been hit by an untouched pitch before.
The first time was in the first inning of my intorduction to men's majors. The catcher was from one coast, the pitcher from the other - this was the first game of the tournament and they had met the night before. F2 called for an outside drop, F1 threw a low inside riser. I caught the ball between my side and my bicep. I don't think I flinched and the ball had clearly passed through the strike zone. When I balled it, no complaints, F2 loudly said to F1, "that's my fault." They got together, worked out their signals and I had no problems after that.
The most recent time was in a showcase two years ago. F2 was definitely showing she was not capable. After the fourth untouched pitch got me, I called time and spoke at the defense's coach, saying "If I get hit with another untouched pitch, your catcher will be ejected for intentionally allowing me to be hit." F2 didn't get any better, but I didn't get hit again. Immediately after getting home, I got a pair of the hexpad shorts and have used them ever since.
I don't think either was intentional.
I have seen a partner intentionally hit and watched him deal with it appropriately - F1, F2, & head coach were tossed. Followed by another player sonn afterward and that ended the game as the team was suddenly too short to field a team.
Steve M