Had a batter draw a line with his foot on the outside part of the plate after i called a pitch a strike. i said to the catcher set up on the outside. The batter looked back and heard this. the next 2 pitches were 2 or 3 inches off the plate. The batter swung at both. When he cam up 2 innings later in the 7th the catcher did the same thing. The pitcher through 2 pitches inside for balls. The coach comes out to talk to the pitcher. I did not let the conference last long. I got to the mond asked if everything was alright. They said yes. I looked at the pitcher and said throw the ball on the outside half and i will call it. He got a big grean on his face. I went back to work the next 3 pitches were knee high outside half if not a little off and the batter swung at all three.
Just wonder did i handle this situation in the right manner. If not what are some other ideas?
thanks for reading