Thread: Geeky, Or Not?
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Old Wed Jul 24, 2002, 11:49am
Porch Dog Porch Dog is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 14
I gotta confess I use an indicator when I'm on the bases I just can't always remember the count and it helps keep me in the game. The score board keepers don't always do the best job when it is used, if they even have one. Also the PU seems to refer to me at least a couple times a game when he's lost track of the count or outs or BOTH.
I do tend to pay attention to most of the safety rules. I kinda like my house and don't really want some nit picking judge to give it to some players parents.
I probably spend two or three minutes a game talking to players and coaches. I'm not a wooden indian, I umpire because I like the game and the kids that play it.
I notice MLB umpires seem to be quite talkative with the players these days.
All this being said I do know where your coming from and I do my best to look, act and sound professional.
Porch Dog
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