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Old Thu Jun 05, 2008, 10:43pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
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Originally Posted by NCASAUmp
So you're saying that you'd risk getting the number of games reduced for years simply because of a disagreement in style?
It has nothing to do with style. It has to do with what I can within the guidelines of the sanctioning body to properly do the job for which I am being paid. If that means pissing off the assignor, so be it. I'm not in this for the money.

I'd rather hash it out with my assignor than take that risk. Fortunately, my assignor is a very good guy to work for, and he wouldn't put something like that on us. However, I still have to remember who holds all the cards, and I don't bite the hand that feeds.
I'm not looking to start a pissing contest with the assignor, but I am not going to do a subpar job and look incompetent because some desk jockey has an old-school hard on for something with which really isn't any of their concern. And with an assignor like that, I don't need to sacrifice my integrity for his wallet.
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