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Old Thu Jun 05, 2008, 02:19pm
Robert Goodman Robert Goodman is offline
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Originally Posted by ajmc
Flagging this type behavior as a live ball foul, eliminating the score, will likely bring the standard list of predictable howls from the sideline affected, but the lesson learned by the offender, and his team, will last 1000 times longer.
But at the expense of: requiring the official to see which occurred first, the foul or the TD 50 yards away; and of an act having the same nature (and no effect on the play) being penalized according to where (as well as when) it occurred; and of encouraging players to wait to take a cheap shot until after the whistle, when the opponent is even less likely to expect it.

The basic spot enforcement system was devised to produce a relatively easy to administer way to prevent the gaining of an unfair advantage, not to penalize ill behavior like this. The fact that it is unnecessary roughness means that it didn't have an effect on the play, so if there's any way you could see it as occurring after the ball became dead, that's how I would. DQ if necessary, but depriving team A of an otherwise legitimate gain, no.

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