I do not have access to the play so I can not review it again.
However, in all the discussion about the play, I have yet to read or missed the following and wonder if it is pertinent. I believe the third baseman fielded the bunt picking it up with her right hand and threw the ball off her left foot and with her momentum carrying her towards the first baseline. Nevertheless, at the point f5 looked up and started her throw, where was the br (I assert that at this point, at least one her feet was in fair territory but I also believe that f5 had an unobstructed view and lane to throw the ball to 1B.)? At this point, is the runner obligated to be in the 3 foot running lane? If she is and a throw is made and it is reasonably close to either side of the bag, do we not have interference?
As I recall the play from one of the replays, the plate umpire bumped the catcher coming to the line and then almost immediately started signaling dead ball. I believe this was well before the throw made it to first base. I speculate that she saw the fielder pick the ball up, determined where the br was when f5 made a throw that looked close to 1b and ruled interfence at that precise moment.
Hope that is clear. If not, I will give a shorter version without the narrative.