Originally Posted by kcg NC2Ablu
Thats a slippery slope ... Im talking about a coach talking/yelling at an umpire with sunglasses on is disrespectfull which thus makes him an idiot so if you are going to do the same then the equation would fit the bill.... don't be rediculous and draw conclusions or try to back me into a corner. I have said what I mean and pretty clearly I cant help if you want to attack me because you are wrong
It is indeed a slippery slope. I am suprised a man of your conviction on this subject did not want to fall down it.
Since you are truely not as dedicated to this philisophy as you once presented yourself to be...
I'll let you be. That is not very much conviction at all. In fact, you are very weak in your conviction about sunglasses and speaking to other people while wearing same.
Your rule is actually "when a coach yells at me, even when he has sunglasses on, I hurry up and take my sunglasses off so I dont appear to be an idiot."
I'm thinking "golf clap" on that one.