Originally Posted by jdmara
I had a rookie ask me the other night about "tricks" to stop blinking and flinching when the batter swings. I really didn't have an answer for him. What are the "tricks" you all have heard of/used to stop blinking/flinching?
I told him flinching is caused by not trusting your catcher and equipment. There is a reason you buy the best equipment, it's so you're protected. The blinking issue...I'm not quite sure now to fix it for him. Thanks for your thoughts
A couple of things.
1. If your friend has kids, have your friend put on the catcher's gear and depending upon how many kids he has have one of them pitch and the other a batter.
You can start out as Bob suggests using tennis balls and then work your way to the "real thing"
2. Stand behind a fence and have someone throw tennis balls at him.
3. Invest in "top of the line" equipment so that you know You can take a shot and it will not hurt.
Your freind should start out slow meaning until his flinching problems go away stick to umpiring at the Modfied Level (mainly 7th/8th graders) or some low level JV games.
Until his flinching problems are solved he most likely will not work High level JV or varsity baseball.
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