Thread: Sotball Bats
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Old Tue Jul 23, 2002, 07:59pm
Steve M Steve M is offline
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I do not know anything about recent player injuries due to bats - I've read about some but I'm sure many others have too.

Here are two injuries that I do know about.

Some years ago - when Titanium bats were in use - there was a player hit in the face in a men's B fastpitch game. This player was a runner, running on the pitch from 1B, and a line drive hit him on the left side of his face. He was knocked out and the game was delayed for over a half hour to allow medical folks to arrive, prepare, and transport him. Several facial bones were badly broken, no permanent damage, and he was never the same player afterwards.

The other was a test that was done a few years ago testing bat performance. One of the testers was hit on his hand, pretty much ripping apart his ring finger. After a number of operations, over two hundred thousand dollars in expense, his finger is as recovered as it is likely to ever be. Thankfully, his insurance covered everything.

Steve M

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