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Old Tue Jun 03, 2008, 05:14pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Squirrel Appreciation Day

Originally Posted by Snaqwells
In light of the fact that we're talking about Chuck, I think it's more accurate (appropo?) to call it "Squirrel Day" instead of "Groundhog Day".
Squirrel Appreciation Day
When : Always January 21st

Squirrel Appreciation Day is an opportunity to enjoy and appreciate your tree climbing, nut gathering neighborhood squirrels. It's held in mid-winter when food sources are scarce for squirrels and other wildlife. Sure, squirrels spent all fall gathering and "squirreling " away food. But, their supplies may not be enough. And, the variety of food is limited. So, give them an extra special treat today to supplement their winter diets.

When you think about it, mid winter is the best time to appreciate squirrels. In the winter they provide a little entertainment. During other times of the year, you may look at them as a pest in the flower and vegetable gardens.

According to Christy Hargrove, the founder, "Celebration of the event itself is up to the individual or group -- anything from putting out extra food for the squirrels to learning something new about the species."