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Old Tue Jul 23, 2002, 04:31pm
devdog69 devdog69 is offline
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Originally posted by Stan
Originally posted by BBarnaky

PS Watch as much film as you can during your upcoming season. You will be surprised in the results!!!
What tapes? Of yourself from a camp, previous game, something else? This is probably a dumb question or an obvious answer but somebody has to ask the dumb ones. I've not been to a camp yet. All I'm doing is summer legues at the ymca and I probably will not do HS or JR high. I've got kids playing that I enjoy watching. I do want to improve though and this board helps.

Thanks guys, and gals.

One of the most valuable tools for those of us trying to improve (I think that includes all of us) is watching film of our work. You just don't realize some of the idiosyncracies you have and/or how you look on the court. Your run, stance, facial expressions, etc. It may be hard to do working rec league but when you start working JH or HS or whatever get a tape every chance you get and watch yourself. It really is amazing how fast you can correct something once you see yourself do it. I usually get my tapes by giving a blank to the athletic director along with some postage (maybe a SASE) and ask them to make me a copy. Always after we have had a good game and usually after they were victorious, for obvious reasons. There are other ways of getting film, i.e., taking an extra vcr, having friends go and film, etc. but that is what works for me.
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