Thread: Eye Protection
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Old Tue Jun 03, 2008, 08:02am
DaveASA/FED DaveASA/FED is offline
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Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 962
I wear the Coyote Durango sunglasses with the amber lenses all the time. They deaden the glare from the sun, highlight the yellow ball and keep the dirt/dust out of my eyes! Hard to beleive but I actually see better through them at night games then without them. They really don't darken things much, if at all, and the highlighting of the ball makes it more than even out. As NC pointed out I also have the clear and dark an old pair I wear with dark lenses for driving and other things outside, but a new pair with amber lenses in a hard case in the equipment bag just for umpiring!! Carry a couple of lens cleaner packs (like handi-wipes) in my ball bag on either hot or really windy days for cleaning inbetween innings if needed and never had any issues!

Edited to add: One thing that is important to me (and most evaluators I have had) even though you can see my eyes through the amber lenses I take them off whenever a coach approaches me for a conversation, maybe not 100% for subs but if they want to "talk" I am looking them in the eyes not through my glasses, just seems like common courtesy to me....personal bit*ch but I hate it when someone has dark or mirrored glasses and they are discussing a play with a coach...just seems disrepectful to me not to look them in the eye when you talk to them....can't tell if you are rolling your eyes or what! Ok rant off*

Last edited by DaveASA/FED; Tue Jun 03, 2008 at 08:06am.
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