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Old Tue Jun 03, 2008, 07:53am
With_Two_Flakes With_Two_Flakes is offline
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Join Date: May 2007
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Posts: 244
Forksref has it exactly right as far as I'm concerned with this type of call, "talk to" if it deserves it, flag if it deserves a flag. His coach will be sure let him know how dumb he was when it costs them a score.

Fargo - certainly in my top 10 films of all time.
Love the way Margie points to the badge on her hat to emphasise she's the police. and Fargo is full of brilliant dialogue.....

Oh, he was a little guy... Kinda funny lookin'.

Say, Lou, didya hear the one about the guy who couldn't afford personalized plates, so he went and changed his name to J3L2404?

Oh, I just think I'm gonna barf.....Well, that passed. Now I'm hungry again.
Sorry Death, you lose.... It was Professor Plum!
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