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Old Tue Jun 03, 2008, 12:56am
Jurassic Referee Jurassic Referee is offline
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Originally Posted by btaylor64
Let me answer you without being the least bit condescending, like you have been with me ever since I started posting here.
What part of "congratulations on reaching your goals" did you fail to comprehend? I wrote that and I meant it.

For some reason, you seem to take it personally when someone knocks the NBA. Well, you'd better get used to it because I'm hardly alone in that regard. You also seem to have missed the fact that I don't knock NBA officials per se either, as others do. I think that NBA officials do a great job considering the handicap that I believe they're being forced to work under. That handicap is having to work for a league that has become far more entertainment-oriented than game-oriented. The problem imo is the criteria that NBA officials are being forced to meet. And imo, part of that criteria is having to officiate a game without being able to apply certain rules evenly and consistently- rules such as traveling, palming, and ,yes, how fouls are called. The direction being given to the officials lies with the NBA and the problems are the NBA's doing, and it is too damn bad that the officials are constantly taking crap for something that really isn't their fault imo.

My opinion, Ben, like it or not....and it has nothing to do with you personally in any way.

Good luck with your officiating career. I hope that you reach all of your goals, and I really mean that. Don't think for a minute though that I'll stop showing my disdain for the current edition of the NBA. Imo, it has strayed too far from the game of "basketball" and has become unwatchable. And that is NOT a knock on the people officiating the games.

Fwiw I think that the NHL is also having similar problems. I used to love watching hockey. No more.

Hopefully, that'll set the record straight on where I'm coming from.

PS: Let me also apologize to Scrappy for briefly ignoring his directive to take a hike. I'll resume that journey, as ordered.

Last edited by Jurassic Referee; Tue Jun 03, 2008 at 01:41am.