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Old Mon Jun 02, 2008, 09:49pm
Kelvin green Kelvin green is offline
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I will chime in here because we have a Pro-Am League here and have done it for several years now... There is actually value in knowing the basic NBA rules...

Many of the things you hear coaches yell for when they are howler monkeys (especially at the lower levels) is what the see on TV in the NBA. by understanding what they are yelling about it does in fact allow to explain better or at least understand their (of course idiotic) position.

When you hear them calling for a travel when the shooter gets his own shot before it hits the rim, running OOB rule, one shot T's, three second rule, backcourt rule and loose balls, the crash under neath the basket we call PC but yell he's under the basket......

When you ref a game with Pro rules and have to watch for defensive three seconds you really do ref the defense. When you have to call the restricted area and know who the primary and secondary players are. When you know the sub rules may be different, it adds a whole new perspective in paying attention to the game.

There are a lot of guys that are bigger, faster, stronger playing in that game and officiating it teaches you about position, advantage disadvantage, ad plays, you will never see in a jv ball game...

Best of all you can pull a Mark Padgett and when a coach asks about a call that he thinks is a NFHS rule but is really NBA you have the witty comeback...

Youre absolutely right coach there are 29 arenas in the country where you would be 100% right, this just isnt one of them....

(if it is the playoffs like right now) Its there are only two arenas...

Or something else like "when you get paid like Phil Johnson, I'll make that call"