Thread: Fla-UCLA
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Old Mon Jun 02, 2008, 11:14am
kcg NC2Ablu kcg NC2Ablu is offline
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ok to all that disagree... here is what I have to say: The runner was outside the 3ft lane. The runner also collided with a fielder making a play on the ball in the space the she is allowed to legally occupy where as the runner was not in the area she is leagally aloud to occupy. sure you can speculate that the br "would have beat the throw by two steps" but the rule doesnt say if the offensive player who causes the interference would have been safe anyway ignore the interference. The dead ball call could not be avoided f3 had a play and that play was a potential to catch the ball and swipe tag br. so per the NCAA rule book the runner being played on is out and that means BR had the likely potential in that case to be swiped tagged via the off line throw and by colliding with f3 when the br should have been at least in the space she is allowed to occupy (aka 3ft lane) and was not in that space which hindered f3's play on the throw which is interference. Now if F3 is moving to catch a "non attainable" ball which pulls her into the 3ft lane and thus obstructs the runner there is obs(the Non attainable throw would be like a throw to rf way out of any effort from f3). and even then its morelikely a No-Call because they are both trying to do what they are supposed to do as respective members of the offense and defense.

Last edited by kcg NC2Ablu; Mon Jun 02, 2008 at 11:16am.
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