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Old Sat May 31, 2008, 01:05pm
Steve M Steve M is offline
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Originally Posted by Al
Last Saturday I was watching several Girls Softball 16/U and 14/U FP games. ISA umpires. They were wearing green shirts. Three out of the four PU's I watched were wearing no Chest protector. I would guess some pitches to be close to 60 MPH. These umpires were not young and dopey like some teenage umpires I have seen working the plate from time to time without a chest protector on. The one with chest protection on was the oldest of the four. He was probably in his mid 50's. The others were all probably in their late 30's or early 40's. While sitting in the stands a lady umpire sat next to me. She was getting ready to work the next game on the same field. I asked her if she noticed the PU wasn't wearing any chest protection. She said he never does. Then she told me she doesn't either. So I asked if she ever took a good shot to the shoulder, chest, or rib area. She said: " I took one to the shoulder over a month ago and it still hurts". She said she hides behind the catcher.

My question is this...Is this pretty common with ISA? I have seen a lot of games and can't remember one single umpire at 16/U or 14/U without chest protection on. I am really puzzled that someone would risk getting hurt like that. Couldn't a ball hitting someone around the heart area be a major problem? ....Al
Dunno 'bout ISA, but can you say damn fool? There is nothing soft about a softball. While I do not umpire levels younger than high school agge, I wear all the gear all the time. In the higher levels of ball, I'll wear a heavier chest protector - but I've got one on in all plate games.
Steve M
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