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Old Sat May 31, 2008, 10:31am
Tim C Tim C is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2000
Posts: 2,729

There is a vast difference between "fashion" and "umpire fashion."

Never will they meet.

Pleated pants are the disdain of the fashion aware experts.

They really don't work for anyone (as JM said "tall and thin" might work).

But this isn't the real world.

We are dictated to style as shown by a group of MLB umpires that have forced us through Red Blazers (with MAROON belts), button up shirts with long collars OUTSIDE the lapels of the jacket (think NL umpires headed to the disco), and other styles that WOULD NEVER be considered passable in real fashion situations.

What occurs that is concerning is that suppliers (Davis & Honigs) have ONLY pleated pants in poly wool.

That is a shame.

In closing:

I do not have one item of umpire wear that could be worn in ANY real world situation.

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