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Old Wed May 28, 2008, 08:18pm
Scrapper1 Scrapper1 is offline
Lighten up, Francis.
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 4,674
Originally Posted by Larks
1. No Hands on Hips EVER inside the lines
2. Don't dribble the ball on the court during a dead ball.
These are just about perception. And that perception is probably going to change from observer to observer. Some will think they look terrible. Others will think they're completely unimportant. Personally, I don't like how they look, but I'd have a hard time being too critical about it.

5. When a time out is called, your feet do not move to go to your designated spot until both teams are in their respective huddle. Watch the teams
Great advice and not too many officials actually do it.

6. Trail to Lead - look back, don't just run down to trail with your back to the players.
This is one that I hear directed at newer guys OVER AND OVER again every year. Good to get in this habit.

12. Loose ball on the floor turns into scrum - TWO noses 5" from the ball
As my old interpreter used to say, "Let 'em see stripes!!"

14. Intentional / Hard Fouls do not need a huddle. It is or its not immediately.
I guess I'm going to slightly disagree on this. I don't mind getting some information from my partner, especially if the contact is from behind. If the play is coming at me and the contact is from behind, I can see that there's contact, but I might not see everything. I don't want a 3-minute huddle, but a quick "Hey Scrapper, he took a full wind-up" might be appreciated.

21. When reporting fouls, do so from a spot on the floor where no player can pass between you and the table
How the heck do you do this, except by leaning against the table to report?

22. On Subs, do not put ball in play until the old player is in the .
And you say you just got back from camp?
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