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Old Wed May 28, 2008, 06:03pm
Dan_ref Dan_ref is offline
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
Are you serious?

Good Lord, I hope t'hell not!

If there's any doubt in your mind i.e. borderline as the calling official, then you don't call it. Ever. If you can't decide all by your little own self whether a foul should be called intentional/flagrant, then you don't belong on the floor at that level. You partners aren't out there to babysit you. If it's your call, then just call the damn thing. What makes you think that the other officials are watching that play in your primary anyway?

The clinician meant exactly what he wanted to say in #14. He wants officials with the nuts to make the tough call, instead of caucusing or taking a poll. Fwiw, I sureasheck agree with the clinician.
As much as I hate to admit it I agree with the cranky old b@stard.
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