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Old Wed May 28, 2008, 05:56pm
Dan_ref Dan_ref is offline
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Originally Posted by Larks
Stuff from camp this weekend....

1. No Hands on Hips EVER inside the lines
2. Don't dribble the ball on the court during a dead ball. You are not a player
I've heard both of these in pretty much these exact words. I never understood the reason... but still I keep my hands off my hips & don't bounce the ball.
5. When a time out is called, your feet do not move to go to your designated spot until both teams are in their respective huddle. Watch the teams
IMO this is absolutely the most useful in your list for anyone at any level. And also IMO it is not taught at enough camps by enough clinicians.
13. Technical Fouls - KNOW THE RULES
This is important because every year the dam ncaa technical foul rules change and they are almost as complicated & wordy as the ncaa time out rules.
15. Talk to Coaches - he who handles coaches moves career forward.
Talking to coaches is very over rated IMO.
17. When you kick a call, and we all do, your next two whistles should be 110% calls. This will get you back in the groove
Disagree. Blow a call? Forget it, move on, call your game.
19. Huddles - at 1st Media and then end of game.
See my comment on #13

Camp: Be Ready. There are no warm up games in camp when you are there trying to get hired. If you take the first game to "warm up" you will fall behind.

Camp: Get better game to game. It will be noticed.
errr.... Be at your best game 1... improve each game.... huh?

Look for opportunities to rotate.
A favorite thing for clinicians to say when they run out of things to say. Rotate when needed.

btw, great post, thanks!
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