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Old Wed May 28, 2008, 05:24pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by Larks
12 - when we have a multiple players on the floor fighting for the ball, he wants 2 officials on top of that play - right there - helping players up, preventative officiating etc. Player piles are where the "stuff" happens.

The other item...
They are talking about the correct free throw position for lead. Its not next to the last player on the lane line for the first of two free throws
Thanks for clarifying #12. It was unclear if the noses were those of the two players in the tie-up or a desire for officials to get in there.

You still have not stated what the correct position IS. You have only stated what it is NOT. With the players moving up a lane-space at the HS level this year, there has already been some discussion on this forum of what positioning the Lead should take. I would be interested in hearing your clinicians' take on this. Thanks.
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