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Old Sun Jul 21, 2002, 10:25pm
Mark Dexter Mark Dexter is offline
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The call: MP needs to go back on his meds!

This can be broken down piecemeal - just remember - all penalties for fouls are administered in the order in which they occur.

(1) B1 flagrantly fouls (assuming personal foul) A1 - ball remains live - if shot is good, we'll have 2 FT's by A1; if shot is no good, we'll have 3 FT's by A1. (Ball will return to spot closest of foul for throw-in by A.)

(2) A2/B2 double foul - once again, ball remains live, because a try/tap is in flight. (Now going to the AP arrow.)

(3) Technical on A Coach - two free throws for team B (now, team B will get ball at division line.)

(4) Horn - whether the horn should or should not have sounded (don't know time at original foul, but seems like more than 1 second would elapse during all this), the ball is not dead, as it is on a try/tap for goal (released before the horn). (Of course, the clock might need to be reset based on lag time principles - after this scenario, however, I would recommend leaving it at zero!)

(5) GT - the ball is still on a try/tap (the expiration of time does not change this), so the goaltending scores three points for A (A1 in particular).

Here's the rundown:
Count the 3 for A1.
Report B1 flagrant foul - notify coach and DQ.
Report A2/B2 double foul - notify coach(es) if fifth.
Report A Coach technical - remove coach if proper combination reached.
(The following depends on time/score situation
A1 shoots 2 FT's, lane cleared.
Any member of team B shoots 2 FT's, lane cleared.
B has the ball for a throw-in at the division line.
Arrow does not switch.
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