This question came up at a tournament I was working this past weekend:
Defensive team requests and is granted time for a conference. One coach comes out of the dugout to talk to the pitcher and catcher, another coach comes out to talk to the outfielders to make sure they understand the game situation. Are multiple coaches allowed to come out during the conference?
Here are the applicable rules from the 2007 ASA book (don't have the 2008 book online yet):
Rule 5. Section 7. CONFERENCES.
B. Defensive Conference. There shall be only three charged conference(s)
between the manager or other team representative from the dugout with any
defensive player(s) in a seven inning game. For every inning beyond seven,
there shall be one charged conference per inning between the manager or
other team representative from the dugout with any defensive player(s).
EFFECT: The fourth, and each additional, charged conference in a seven inning
game, or for any charged conference in excess of one per inning in an extra
inning game, shall result in the removal of the pitcher from the pitching position
for the remainder of the game. The removed pitcher can play another position
on defense but cannot pitch again.
A. Defensive. A defensive charged conference occurs when the defense requests
a suspension of play for any reason, and a representative enters the
playing field to communicate with any defensive player. Should a defensive
player approach the dugout and receive instructions, this is considered a
defensive conference. The umpire should advise a team representative
when a defensive conference has been charged. A TEAM IS ALLOWED
conferences in one inning or spread them out over a seven inning game.
Once the three conferences have been used, the pitcher must be removed
for each additional charged conference. In extra inning games, there will
be one charged conference allowed in each extra inning. On the second
conference in an extra inning of a game, the pitcher must be removed. If
the pitcher returns to the pitching position after being removed and one
pitch is thrown, the pitcher is disqualified.
Both the rule and the rule supplement mention
a (one) manager or
a team representative, but is it limited to a single person and, if so, is there a penalty if more than one team representative comes out of the dugout to confer during suspension of play?