Alas, perhaps it's a generational thing, and it certainly differs by level, but all this "getting inside an opponents head" nonsense has done absolutely nothing to enhance or improve the game. It's not rocket science, anybody on either sideline, coaches, players, attendants, hangers on, have absolutely no business saying anything to an opponent on the field.
I can guarantee that if you allow silly remarks from the sideline, you will eventually have to deal with problem remarks. When play brings an opponent into the bench area, the same requirements apply and no coach, player, attendant or hanger on, should be allowed to jostle, bump or say anything disrespectful or insulting to that player.
We have nobody to blame for unnecessary incidences between sideline personnel and players more than ourselves. Regardless of level, we set the tone, and then we have to live with the tone we set.
I have never had a problem with any sideline, once they understood what I expected of them, and was prepared to enforce. (Well, never say never, but nobody could claim surprise with the results)
Last edited by ajmc; Tue May 27, 2008 at 09:46am.