I think we have to seperate "obstruction" and "catcher's obstruction" in our minds on this issue. It would probably be better if we called them "obstructed runner" and "obstructed batter". The only thing they have in common is that they are both sins committed by the defense.
The "Note 2" that Ed talks about (I can't believe you did not stick to your guns on this one Eddie!) is a Note under ASA 8-5-B which is only talking about an obstructed runner or batter-runner. In the case of "catcher's obstruction" the offended party is NOT a runner nor a batter-runner, just a hopeful batter. ASA 8-1 D applies. The batter becomes a batter runner when the catcher obstructs her swing but at the time she was obstructed she was a batter not a batter-runner.
8-7-J-1 (the rule on interference) does apply, it is simply wiped out (just like any other out on the play could be wiped out) by the offended team taking the option that is to be given following catcher's obstruction.
So, delayed dead ball on the catcher's obstrution, followed by immedate dead ball on R1s INT. Call R1 out, put B2 on 1B, then go to offense coach and give option, and unless the coach is really wasted he goes with the catcher's obstruction penalty which now negates the out of R1 and returns her to 2B. B1 is still awarded 1B.
Last edited by UmpireErnie; Mon May 26, 2008 at 08:29pm.